VPK Program

VPK Program

Trinity Christian School participates in the free VPK program for students 4 by September 1st. There are no registration or supply/activity fees for VPK-only students. A $15.00 donation to help with classroom supplies is appreciated but not required.  The 4C-Eligibility Certificate is required for registration.

Sign-Up Online

VPK Program Options

  • 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (5-day program, Monday through Friday)
  • 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (3-day program, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)
  • 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (2-day program, Tuesday and Thursday)

For parents needing additional care for their 4-year-old, we are pleased to offer a Wrap-Around Enrichment Program. The following Wrap-around options are available for an additional monthly charge. Registration Fee will also apply.

5-day (M-F) Wrap-around options:
11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

3-day (M/W/F) Wrap-around options:
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

Curriculum for VPK Classes

The WEE Learn Curriculum for Pre-K is a comprehensive curriculum plan for four-year-olds that contains ample teaching by using books, music, nature, and toys to illustrate Christian fundamentals. Age-appropriate learning activities are designed to lay a foundation for understanding God, Jesus, Bible, church, self, family, others, and the natural world. Our day will consist of learning centers and group activities as well as activities for pre-reading, pre-writing, phonics, and number skills. Each unit features two Bible stories, Bible memory verses, and planned activities. Snacks (each child brings their own), on-campus field trips, and playgrounds will be included in this block of time.

Lunch & Snacks

Students enrolled in our VPK-only class M- F 8:00-11:00 will need a morning snack from home as they will be leaving before lunchtime. All other VPK students need to bring a morning snack and lunch from home or purchase a hot meal. Afternoon snacks for all students enrolled in our Wrap-Around programs until 6:00 p.m. will be given an afternoon snack provided by the school. A lunch charge can be paid on the day of an individual lunch purchase. Lunch charges are billed to prepaid accounts for Wrap-Around students only. An additional carton of milk or juice can be billed to their prepaid account. Please contact ECE for specific lunch pricing.

Curriculum for Wrap-Around Enrichment Time

11:00 AM-3:00 PM Mon-Fri or 1:00-3:00 PM Mon/Wed/Fri

This time will include lunchtime, a rest period, and a time for special emphasis on phonics, writing, and reading. We will be using the ABeka curriculum to assist students in enhancing their reading and writing skills. We will also be including a few on-campus field trips during this time as well as hands-on activities. These students can attend every day that we are open (Mon/Wed/Fri only for 3-day students), including teacher workdays, holiday breaks, etc. Activity/Supply fees apply. (Summer Camp is not included.)

11:00 AM – 6:00 PM Wrap-Around Enrichment Time (3:00-6:00 PM for Mon/Wed/Fri only students)

During this time students will have the same 11:00-3:00 schedule listed above but will also be part of our extended care program starting at 3:00 PM. During extended care, we will provide afternoon snacks, playground, gym time, arts/crafts, group games, and free play. Students can attend every day that we are open (Mon/Wed/Fri only for 3-day students), including teacher workdays, holiday breaks, etc. August through May. (Summer Camp is not included.)

6:30 AM – 6:00 PM Wrap-Around Time

Students will follow the same schedules and have the same available days to attend as listed above from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. From 6:30 AM until 8:00 AM students will have the opportunity to participate in free play, group games, story time, and puzzles until school starts at 8:00 AM. Students may bring breakfast with them but all food is discarded at 7:00 AM.

Ready to Tour Our School?

Trinity Christian School is an extension of the home and we desire to partner with our families in the education of their child. God has a plan for each child and we are honored to be a part of the work in the lives of our students and families. Schedule a tour today to get started.

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